Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

     Watching films and shows has become a part of peoples daily life. When you get home from work or have free time, the first thing we do is go on the media and watch a movie, clip, or a certain show we watch. However, what the audience doesn't think about when watching this film is the purpose of it, every director puts s meaning into their piece it can be either hidden or very straightforward. In order to get this message or meaning across the director constructs an extract that includes specific representation of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements: camera shots, angles, movement and composition, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing. The short clip from "Black Mirror" season 3 episode 4 is composed by a variety of these elements, such as diegetic sound or even 1980s costume attire. 

    To begin with, the film uses the elements of camera shots, angles, movement and composition and editing in so many different ways. The film uses depth of the field, so that the camera can focus on Yorkie. Additionally, after Yorkie goes into the dance club there is tracking shot that follows her throughout the club as she walks around and make her way to the arcade. In the arcade playing games we get an over the shoulder shot filming a shift in perspectives because now we are looking over Yorkie's shoulder at the arcade game she is playing. Lastly, at the end of the clip there is a two shot which is when a medium shot is wide enough to film 2 people and in this case is used to film their conversation and establish a relationship between the characters: Yorkie and Kelly. Moreover, editing isn't used so much in this clip because the camera shots are used to move between and among the characters, for they are in the same scene and don't need to make cuts and edits between scenes. However, they do use a reverse shot to show a connection between the characters and past events in the shot being before Kelly and West went into the dance club. The clip made an edit to get a 180 degree rule to a reasonable space and film the whole dance club after Yorkie steps in, to show us the new setting. 

    Furthermore, this clip from "Black Mirror" uses sound and mise-en-scene to deepen the meaning of the film. Sound is used in a variety of ways that helps bring the film to life and make the audience feels as if they were there. The clip uses diegetic sound which is any sound that the characters on screen can hear; this is seen all through out the clip with the music and arcade game sounds. Additionally, the clip also uses non-diegetic sound to relate it to visual dimension. The visual dimension includes the dance club with is 1980s style and bright flashing lights that brings the place to life. The last sound used a lot in the clip is the dialogue and conversation that occur between the characters: Kelly, Yorkie, and West. Although a grand part of the sound comes from the setting itself being the dance club and its music, the other part of it being the conversations more specifically, Kelly and Yorkie's conversation near the end of the clip. Lastly, the mise-en-scene in this clip is very important and a main contributor to the meaning of the clip, for the character's costumes are designed in a 1980s style. Yorkie's costume is very casual with her striped shirt and pants; Kelly's costume is all dressed up with jewelry, heels, sparkly purple jacket, and pink lipstick. The clip is set in the 1980 because you can see and identify the poster of the Lost Boys. 

    The clip "Black Mirror" uses the technical elements: camera shots, angles, movement and composition, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing to get the meaning across. The meaning of the clip is to depict a sense of place and time because of the elements used and put together to create that clip with a 1980s feeling. This feeling is created through the stage/setting because the dance club, light, music, character attire, and cocktail table. The second meaning of the clip is the elemental use of costume and camera to not only create the character Yorkie, but also to make her the focus and main character of the clip through the shots and camera movement. The clip uses a variety of different shots and a contrast in Yorkie's costume to Kelly's to demonstrate in the clip that Yorkie is the main character who is timid, but still the focus. 

    Overall, the short clip from "Black Mirror" season 3 episode 4 is composed of the technical elements: camera shots, angles, movement and composition, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing. Some of these elements include diegetic sound, two shots, and costume which all contribute to the meaning of 1980s style clip who focuses on a character named Yorkie. Film and media is something that has become such a huge part of our lives and is seen all around the world; identifying these technical elements and meanings are important and sometimes the key to understanding the hidden message within the clip or film. 
