5 Master Edits- sound included

1.) Sound Effect- The sound of crickets was the first sound we used in our 5 master edits which illustrated stillness. The crickets sounds represent the quietness of the hallway during school after class has started. Meanwhile, in our second clip the hallway is noisy and loud with students running down the hall yelling after the bell rang. 

2.) Direct Sound- In the second shot of the hallway we added direct sound to our 5 master edits clip. This was part of a contrast edit because we were comparing a noisy and crowded hallway when the bell rang to a quiet and still hallway when class started. The students in the second clip of our master edits video were "rowdy" loud and this natural sound could greatly be compared to that of the first clip. 

3.) Post Synchronization Dubbing- Post synchronization dubbing was used in our parallelism edit to show Chelsey continuously putting on her mask on two different times. We decided to play the same song for the clip to flow between them and show the time passing by and how wearing a mask has become normal to us and like an everyday aspect in our lives because we have gotten use to it over the period of time. 

4.) Voice-over- We used voice over on two clips of the trojan in the symbolism edit. The voice over is used to connect the two clips which explains the significance and meaning of the Trojan to the Lely High School students. 

5.) Music- Music was used in another of our simultaneity edits in which we used two different songs to symbolize the sad boy sitting by himself and the large happy group of students at lunch. The two clips were happening at the same time and the sad vs happy music pushes the thought and idea of contrasting emotions which results in a stronger meaning coming from the edit. 

6.) Sound effect- Chelsey and I used suspenseful sound to create a different effect on our leitmotif clip. The sound would play when the male student had his masks off; and it would be silent when he had it on. This was done to portray the dangerousness of COVID-19 and the convey the importance of wearing a mask in public areas.
