Comments on others' shots

 AICE Media Studies Comments

Zoe's Blog 

1.) Dolly Shot- I really liked Zoe's dolly shot it was done so well and made me feel like I was there and traveling through the hallway, felt so real. 

2.)  High Angle Shot- I loved Zoe's high angle shot because it made me feel like I was in power. I loved that it was taking high up and you could capture all the students in the courtyard and what they are doing because it just me a sense of strength and control. 

3.) Point of View Shot- I enjoyed Zoe's point of view shot because I felt like I was her; at first looking at my feet as I walk and then lifts head up to look at people. I felt like a connection like if  I had stepped into her shoes and was seeing the world from her eyes.  

Cayley's Blog 

1.) Follow Shot- I really liked Cayley's follow shot because it made me like I was there in the scene and actually walking behind the character, being Zoe, in my opinion it felt very realistic and a rather tranquil reassuring connection. 

2.) Two Shot- I enjoyed Cayley's two shot because I felt like if I was a producer recording the conversation and actions occurring between Zoe and Loren. I kinda felt like a spy because I felt like I was listening in to something personal that I shouldn't be hearing, but in my opinion it was really cool and let the audience see the camera from a different angle. 

3.) Over the Shoulder Shot- I really loved the over the shoulder shot because similarly to Zoe's high angel shot it gave me a feeling of power and control because I felt like I was right there with her listening, watching and following her every move without her realizing. Additionally, I kind of felt a connection like if I had a relationship with the character, being Zoe, like if we were close to her. 
