
Showing posts from January, 2021

Initial Storyboard

Lissa and I  created our storyboard revolving around the idea of a mysterious film opening with creative transitions, hidden elements, no dialogue, and a plot. Our shots contain a line down the middle because it is the same shot in a scene, just with a different camera angles that will zoom in or out or change. The creation of our storyboard was lengthy it took us about 3 class periods to be able to put all the ideas in our heads on paper and develop our thoughts into create transitions that will help make our film look professional.  Our film revolves around Lissa and I who are being filmed in different locations and find two different chess pieces. After opening the chess sets Lissa and I fall onto a lawn, we then both keep walking and finding our selves in different places as we continue to collect chess pieces along the way in her every new room we enter. In the last scene, we both enter the same room and all our chess pieces disappear. The mystery of our film is created as we appe

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

1. Rise -Different camera shots -Music playing  -Low and high camera angles  2. Offline  - Switch back and forth between scenes -Efficient use of editing -Scary music  -Contrast (dark and light) -Setting in a cage and tied vs at home or school like normal 3. Dear Lover -Voice Over -Contrast in scenes -Nice use of editing -Scenery (woods)  -Happy and Romantic Music 4. Dare to Thrill -Music playing over characters voices (diegetic sound) -different camera angels (in car and outside of car) -At nigh, contrast with bright lights  5.  Always Watching -Editing cuts back and forth -Intense music - Sound playing in back -Dark scenery in the back 6. The Blue Boar  - Nice music and a variety of camera angels  - A happy tone -Symbolism is applied at the end -Costumes are good 7. White Coat -The music and shots at the beginning give an ominous feeling -There are quick cuts of the camera used to show character's confusion -There was a blur in some camera shots that intrigued the audience and ma

Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

      Watching films and shows has become a part of peoples daily life. When you get home from work or have free time, the first thing we do is go on the media and watch a movie, clip, or a certain show we watch. However, what the audience doesn't think about when watching this film is the purpose of it, every director puts s meaning into their piece it can be either hidden or very straightforward. In order to get this message or meaning across the director constructs an extract that includes specific representation of  individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements:  camera shots, angles, movement and composition,  sound,  mise-en-scene, and  editing. The short clip from "Black Mirror" season 3 episode 4 is composed by a variety of these elements, such as diegetic sound or even 1980s costume attire.      To begin with, the film uses the elements of c amera shots, angles, movement and composition and editing in so many different ways. The film

My Film Opening Project - Genre & Group Members

 Genre - Horror/Mystery  Group Members -Elizabeth Mann

Film Opening Research- #2 To All the Boys I've Loved

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?  In the film T o All the Boys I've Loved   there are three titles displayed in the opening sequence of the film. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  In the opening sequence of To All the Boys I've Loved, the prioritized images include: Lara Jean in her lovely red dress, the green field she is walking in, and the boy she is in love with. What connotations do the images carry?  These images in the film  To All the Boys I've Loved  carry connotations that are peaceful and happy.  How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?  In the film To All the Boys I've Loved the class is built up through emblematic and specialized codes from the start by the employments of Lara's red dress , for sentiment, and in the initial scene we notice Laura's fantasy about where she meets her smash/love in a field. Ultimately, the piano music playing behind the scene

Film Opening Research- #1 Boss Baby

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 3. What connotations do the images carry? 4. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? 6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?   7. How has technology been used effectively? RESPONSES 1. In the film  Boss Baby there are two: the distribution  organization, twentieth Century Fox, and the creation organization Dream Works Animation. The names of the primary entertainers are then appeared in a beautiful and lively text style. Toward the finish of the initial scenes the title "Boss Baby" is appeared subsequent to zooming out of a particular "office" of the executives infants.    2. This film contains a few opening arrangements. The principal grouping fosters the subject of inventiveness and creative mind of Tim