Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

1. Rise

-Different camera shots

-Music playing 

-Low and high camera angles 

2. Offline 

- Switch back and forth between scenes

-Efficient use of editing

-Scary music 

-Contrast (dark and light)

-Setting in a cage and tied vs at home or school like normal

3. Dear Lover

-Voice Over

-Contrast in scenes

-Nice use of editing

-Scenery (woods) 

-Happy and Romantic Music

4. Dare to Thrill

-Music playing over characters voices (diegetic sound)

-different camera angels (in car and outside of car)

-At nigh, contrast with bright lights 

5.  Always Watching

-Editing cuts back and forth

-Intense music

- Sound playing in back

-Dark scenery in the back

6. The Blue Boar 

- Nice music and a variety of camera angels 

- A happy tone

-Symbolism is applied at the end

-Costumes are good

7. White Coat

-The music and shots at the beginning give an ominous feeling

-There are quick cuts of the camera used to show character's confusion

-There was a blur in some camera shots that intrigued the audience and made the film seem scary

-A scientific character is developed with the shots filmed of the beaker with drops of blood

-The quick shot of the poster demonstrates to the audience the reasoning for the guy being tied up

8. Stalker

-Sound effects were used to create suspense

-Film genre could be drama or horror

9. Nostalgia 

-Efficient use of camera cuts

-Use of cuts between painting and people

SUMMARY: Overall, I would say that all these opening films had a great variety of camera angels and shots; I could also tell the importance of editing and sounds with the efficient use of it in several of the films. In my opinion, the opening film selected music, sounds, and conversations that fit the film well like the horror films. I really liked and saw the importance of costume because in the opening film "The Blue Boar" the costumes helped add to the mise-en-scene and the audience feels more incorporated to the film. These different movie openers helped Lissa and I brainstorm some more and come up with a storyboards because after watching the films we came up with more ideas and combined the different mise-en-scenes in the film to make our own unique film.  
