
Showing posts from November, 2020

My Favorite Genre - PowerPoint


Film Elements Graphic Organizer


Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"

  The film “Agent Carter" was directed by Louis D'Esposito and demonstrates a variety of different types of camera shots, editing, sound effects, and mise-en-scene throughout the short clip we watched of the film. Not only does viewing the film, but also writing about it helps me better understand the variety of different technical elements used in film because I was able to observe actual real examples of the film aspects we’ve been studying and learning.    To begin with, we have the different types of camera shots and angles used throughout the film. In the beginning of the film there were some close up shots of Peggy and Steve. It then transitions  into an establishing shot that shows New York, which helps set the scene and show the pass in time along with the difference in time period compared to what we had just seen. Additionally, the film uses an over the shoulder shot when Peggy is working at her desk and talking to two men. Moreover, the short clip from the film util


I decided to comment on the mise-en-scene of the TV show All American and selected season one episode one.  All American is about  Spencer James, a rising high school football player and A student at South Crenshaw High, who is recruited by coach Billy Baker to join his football team in Beverly Hills. Spencer's mother, Grace, and his best friend, Coop, convince him to take this opportunity. He is then forced to move in with Coach Billy's  family in order to protect his transfer permit to Beverly. Furthermore, Jordan, Billy's son and starting quarterback, isn't to thrilled to be sharing his father's attention or team spotlight. Meanwhile Spencer struggles to find his footing and ends up making an unlikely friend being Jordan's sister, Oliva, who struggles with her own problems. I decided to do the first 25 minutes of the episode because in this TV show setting, lighting, costume and staging are key to the story of the show.  The setting and staging of All America

5 Master Edits- sound included

1.) Sound Effect- The sound of crickets was the first sound we used in our 5 master edits which illustrated stillness. The crickets sounds represent the quietness of the hallway during school after class has started. Meanwhile, in our second clip the hallway is noisy and loud with students running down the hall yelling after the bell rang.  2.) Direct Sound- In the second shot of the hallway we added direct sound to our 5 master edits clip. This was part of a contrast edit because we were comparing a noisy and crowded hallway when the bell rang to a quiet and still hallway when class started. The students in the second clip of our master edits video were "rowdy" loud and this natural sound could greatly be compared to that of the first clip.  3.) Post Synchronization Dubbing- Post synchronization dubbing was used in our parallelism edit to show Chelsey continuously putting on her mask on two different times. We decided to play the same song for the clip to flow between them a