Week 1 Editing 2/26

The images above are of the opening scene we selected and me putting the videos together and cutting them to make our film. The purpose of our films plot it to represent the idea of a maze because of this it took us a lot of time to determine in what order the stair cases and doors being opened scene should be placed. When editing our first clip we had to crop it and make it more stabilized. Our main problems when beginning to edit dealt with the sound and the order of the clips. Despite having filmed the different shots in order, we had to make modifications to fit our film because we realized when putting the shots together that some didn't work in their designated positions. Additionally, we had to the cut sound in some of the clips because there were students talking in the background. In our first week of editing we were unable to get to fonts and titles, for decided to re-film a little shot, and fix up our clips. In our first w...